Scaling Globally: Hubtiger's Hard-Earned Lessons Every Startup Needs to Know

Scaling Globally: Hubtiger's Hard-Earned Lessons Every Startup Needs to Know

In a world where startup stories often highlight only the glamorous side of growth, Hubtiger, a South African-born company, offers a refreshingly honest narrative about the challenges and victories of scaling a tech business globally. Recently achieving the significant milestone of two million services booked via its platform, Hubtiger reflects on a journey marked by grit, determination, and strategic innovation.As the team expanded its reach into key markets like the UK, USA, and Australia, they encountered challenges familiar to many startups. These included managing customer expectations, securing funding as a South African startup, and overcoming hurdles in a global market. Yet, through persistence and adaptability, Hubtiger overcame these obstacles and transformed them into catalysts for growth.This article explores Hubtiger’s journey, offering valuable insights into how they turned challenges into opportunities and providing a blueprint for other startups looking to make their mark on the global stage.

Persistence is Key: From Humble Beginnings to Global Reach

Hubtiger’s story is one of perseverance. Launched with the ambition of going global, the team faced numerous challenges from the outset. Stuart Blyth, CEO and co-founder of Hubtiger explains, “The first couple of years were all about finding product-market fit, and it took much longer than anticipated.”Blyth added, “In September 2020, two and a half years after our platform’s inception, we had 20 stores and had facilitated just 50,000 services. Fast forward to 2024, and I’m thrilled to share that we’ve now grown to over 900 stores. That’s an incredible 4,400% increase in active stores in just four years!”The outbreak of COVID-19 brought additional hurdles, stalling sales and pushing the team to the brink. Yet, it also presented an unexpected opportunity: the global shift to remote communication tools like Zoom and Google Hangouts allowed Hubtiger to reach international markets from its base in South Africa. Success often requires persistence through unexpected challenges and the ability to adapt to new circumstances. This adaptability was crucial in kick-starting Hubtiger’s growth. By 2024, the number of services booked had soared past two million, a powerful testament to the company’s relentless drive and determination. By staying committed to their vision and being open to new opportunities, Hubtiger was able to turn obstacles into stepping stones for growth.

Keep Customer Relationships Strong: Evolving Strategies

As Hubtiger’s customer base expanded, the company needed to scale its approach without losing the personal touch. Blyth explains how Hubtiger’s interaction with users evolved: “When we had fewer than 50 customers, we created WhatsApp groups with our team and customers. This helped us communicate quickly, solve issues, and get feedback early. Sometimes, customers would suggest a feature, and we’d have it ready for them within a few hours.”The approach needed to evolve as the customer base grew: “We transitioned from these WhatsApp groups to more scalable solutions, like dedicated customer support channels and feedback tools, that could handle a larger volume of interactions while still capturing the essence of that direct communication.”As your business grows, it’s crucial to adapt your customer engagement strategies to maintain strong relationships. Scaling doesn’t have to mean losing the personal touch; with the right tools and approach, you can continue to provide the personalised service that builds trust and loyalty, even as you serve a larger audience.

Choose the Right Tools: Leveraging Technology for Success

Selecting the right tools was crucial for Hubtiger’s efficiency and success. Blyth highlights the importance of this choice: “We would be so much slower as a company if we didn’t use a system like Slack, which we use for all our internal communication. As a remote company, this is also a big part of our culture, as we share information, news, tasks, and, of course, memes.”The tools you choose can dramatically impact your company’s speed and culture. Adopting the right technology can streamline operations, foster a strong company culture, and maintain seamless communication, even in a remote environment. 

Balance Growth and Sustainability: Strategic Financial Management

When resources are tight, it’s crucial to make strategic decisions that prioritise the future of the business. Blyth reflects on this approach: "We were burning the candle at both ends but growing nicely. Financially, it was tough; we took salary cuts, and as we grew, we would either pay ourselves a bit more or invest in marketing.” This balancing act between growth and sustainability is a familiar struggle for startups.Hubtiger’s experience teaches an important lesson: prioritising long-term growth sometimes requires short-term sacrifices. By making tough financial decisions, Hubtiger was able to focus on strategic partnerships, scale customer interaction tools, and implement effective communication systems. This careful balancing of resources helped them navigate financial challenges and laid a solid foundation for sustainable growth.

Securing Funding: The Challenge of Overcoming Perceptions

Securing funding is often one of the most daunting hurdles for startups, and Hubtiger’s experience as a South African company brought additional complexities. As CEO Stuart Blyth shares, “Securing funding as a South African startup was particularly challenging. While we had a compelling product and a clear market need, convincing international investors was tough.”This experience underscores the importance of resilience and persistence when seeking investment, especially in markets where perceptions may not be in your favour. Hubtiger’s journey shows that even when the odds are stacked against you, staying true to your vision and demonstrating the value of your product can eventually win over investors.

Focus on Strategic Partnerships: Building a Strong Foundation

A significant element of Hubtiger’s success has been its strategic partnerships. The company has expanded its customer reach and enhanced its value by identifying and collaborating with point-of-sale partners, brands, and associations. These partnerships open new channels for growth by integrating systems, offering a more seamless experience for retailers, and streamlining customer operations, making Hubtiger’s software more attractive and valuable.Blyth advises, “Don’t do too many things initially; focus on the business model and what will make money. Later, you can diversify.” By concentrating on its core strengths, Hubtiger was able to build a solid foundation before expanding into new markets.Startups should resist the temptation to spread themselves too thin in the early stages. By focusing on what you do best and forming strategic partnerships, you can establish a strong base that supports future growth and diversification.

Invest in the Right Team: Building a Resilient and Skilled Workforce

Hubtiger’s growth was also driven by its investment in a skilled and resilient team. Blyth notes, “In the beginning, startups usually just hire anyone as you’re surprised they want to join you on this journey. You need to invest time in finding the right people.” Hubtiger’s refined hiring process now includes multiple interviews, work habit assessments, and skills tests to ensure alignment with the company’s culture and values.The lesson is that hiring the right people is critical to your startup’s success. Investing time and resources in a thorough hiring process helps build a team that is skilled and aligned with your company’s culture, ensuring long-term resilience and success.

Looking Ahead: Embracing New Opportunities and Growth

As Hubtiger looks to the future, its ambitions continue to soar. Having established a strong presence globally in both repair and rental software across multiple industries, the company is constantly exploring new horizons. With a commitment to innovation and growth, Hubtiger is eager to enter and make an impact in emerging markets. Blyth reflects, “Understanding and entering new markets is a big learning opportunity for us and will be the key to our continued growth.”

Conclusion: A Blueprint for Success

While South African startups are often overshadowed by their international counterparts, Hubtiger stands out as a shining example of what can be achieved with grit, innovation, and strategic thinking. As they celebrate their two million services milestone, they offer a success story and a blueprint for other startups looking to make their mark on the global stage.